Turkey Trot will be back Thursday, November 28th, 2024... Stay tuned for more details!!

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Dear Sparta Education Foundation,

I’m writing on behalf of our Sparta Middle School STEP and Computer Science Students to sincerely thank you for the purchase of our three new iMacs that arrived three weeks ago. The IT department set up the computers in our STEP/Computer Science classroom, and students have been using them for the last two weeks. We are so excited about these new devices and the ways they are already empowering students in their learning. Students have been studying Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Animate already, integrated the iMacs with their music studies, robotics, coding, and electrical engineering courses and projects, and a small group are beginning their own audio and video production projects with a goal of creating their own movie critic show.

I have included a few photos of the new technology in action that we thought you would enjoy. We genuinely appreciate your generosity and support in getting the most up-to-date technology in the hands of our students.

With thanks,
Dave Gorecki, Teacher
SMS STEP & Computer Science