Jillian Palleschi was elected to the Sparta Education Foundation (SEF) as a board member during the February Board meeting. “Jillian has been a longtime volunteer for the SEF, bringing her exceptional graphic design talents to our Annual Reports and event mailings,” said Donna West, President. “She and her husband are Sparta residents with young sons in the school district and Jillian is also an entrepreneur with her own online stationery business, Jula Paper Co. We are thrilled to welcome Jillian to the SEF board and look forward her future contributions and creative outlook.”
Palleschi has extensive marketing and website experience from management positions she held at Toys ‘R Us, NY&Co. and PSP Sports. She graduated from The University of Vermont with a degree in Biological Sciences.
Since 2006, the Sparta Education Foundation has funded over $1,133,000 in grants to all five of Sparta’s public schools. The Foundation is an all-volunteer, independent 501 (c) (3) NJ Non-Profit Corporation whose mission is to engage the entire community in philanthropic giving. Visit spartaeducationfoundation.org for more information about joining or volunteering.